An exclusive library of Sri Vaishnava ebooks and literature

An exclusive library of Sri Vaishnava ebooks and literature
Oppiliappan Koil SrI Varadachari Sadagopan Swami: The eBooks are the final stage of the likhita kaimkaryam begun by Sri V Sadagopan Swami in June 1995. Hailing from the glorious Divya Desam of Thiruvinnagaram, and belonging to an illustrious family of Vaidika scholars and followers of SrI Ahobila Matam, SrI V.Sadagopan Swami graduated from the prestigious Massachusetts’ Institute of Technology, USA., with a Doctorate in Material Science and then worked for IBM Corp., for 26 Years in addition to an year at the UN in Geneva and New York in the staff of the Secretary General. Post retirement from IBM, he devoted his energies to serve the broader SrI Vaishnava community.
By his own self-deprecating and amused acknowledgement, SrI V sadagopan Swami says that he has always been writing about one thing or another! The many pages of neatly handwritten manuscripts that he has created on Divya Desams, Works of Swami Desikan and other Purvacharyas, are eloquent testimonials for his prolific writing and the complete blessing of Sri Hayagriva kataksham on him. It is a mark of his genius that in spite of the common thread of philosophy that discusses about the greatness of Bhagavan, every book he has written or article he has posted is unique and can be savored as a special experience. His presence on the Internet on things related to sampradayam and Sri Suktis began in 1995 when he started posting articles to the erstwhile Bhakti List group which was a precursor to the many Yahoo groups that abounded in the later years.
Sri V Sadagopan Swami's primary goal was and continues to be vidya danam - to educate the interested readers about the greatness of the illustrious sampradayam that has been bequeathed by our Elders to us and to re-kindle the efforts to serve Acharyas and encourage bhagavat-bhagavata kaimkaryams. The medium of English which is an universal language now has been put to maximum use by Sri V Sadagopan Swami to enlighten those who have either relocated to countries outside of India and/or are more conversant with English than Sanskrit, Tamil, Manipravalam or other regional languages of India. Sri V Sadagopan Swami has used his writings to build a bridge for others to benefit from the rare granthams and great works of Acharyas, which are usually taught only for a selected few through traditional kalakshepam route. The many grateful emails that he receives from good people, thanking him for his kindness in “spoon-feeding” them on many intricate and subtle details of philosophy and worship are proof positive of the power of his writings.
Sri V Sadagopan Swami started the Oppiliappan e-group in yahoogroups to continue with his likhita kaimkaryams post bhakti list. During this time Sri V Sadagopan Swami was also the conceptual head and content developer for the website oppiliappan.org alongwith Sri Sreyas Sarangan, a graduate student at that time in an University in USA. This website contains valuable information about the Divya Desam of Thiruvinnagar/Oppiliappan Koil including the Pasurams of the Azhvars and audios on Suprabhatham, Prapatti, and Mangalam as well as a special Thirumanjana Kattiyam for Sri Oppiliappan.
In 2001 under guidance from Sri V Sadagopan Swami, Dr. Anil Thakur of Australia created the portal of sadagopan.org to house the various articles that Swami posted in various e-groups, under one place for easy reference. As the volume of articles began to grow it was decided that a better way of presenting these articles for the next generation was required. Thus began the rudiments of e-Books creation efforts.
In 2006 as the celebration for HH the 45th pattam Srimad Azhagiyasingar's Satabhisheka Mahotsavam was being planned, a team of volunteers from different continents took up the blessed work under the benevolent guidance of Sri V Sadagopan Swami to create 108 e-Books from the articles so far posted by Sri V Sadagopan Swami in various e-groups and make that as a samarpanam to HH Srimad Azhagiyasingar. With the blessings of the compassionate Acharyan and a Sri Mukham from Him, the e-Books kaimkaryam was started. The series was concluded in Nov 2006 and the 108 e-Books samarpanam was made to Acharyan at His Satabhisheka utsavam at Srirangam Sri Stuti was the first book to be released in this series and the Vaibhavam of Thiruvinnagrappan was the last e-book.
Continuing the trend of releasing the e-Books as they were by now very popular and sought after by readers, the next set of 108 e-Books samarpanams were taken up under Ahobilavalli series. Since the first series was named after Sri Malolan and Acharyan (Sundarasimham=Azhagiyasingar), it was considered appropriate to begin the new series under Thayar's name. The first e-Book in this series was released on Dec 2006.
Swami Desika prabhandams and stotrams were already covered in Sundarasimham series. But the need to complete the coverage of all works of Swami Desikan as well as more esoteric granthas of Purvacharyas was realized by the start of the new Srihayagrivan series to house another 108 e-Books and more. This site was begun on April 2008 and completed in July 2011.
Midway thru Srihayagrivan series, a special website to house the sthabakams of the Divine Sri LakshmI Sahasram on Sri Padmavati Thayar of Thiruchanur, composed by Sri Venkatadvari kavi was initiated. The site was blessed with Srimukhams from HH Srimad Azhagiyasingar, HH Srimad Paravakottai Andavan, HH Sri Rangapriya Swami and HH Srimad Parakala Matam Jiyar. The samarpanam of the 26 eBooks covering all the sthabakams of Sri Lakshmi Sahasram was made during the Kartika Month Brahmotsavam of Thiruchanur Thayar on Nov 21, 2010.
The next set of 108 e-Books under the Godha series was completed in September 2018 to coincide with the 750-th Thirunakshatra Avatara Mahotsavam of Swamy Desikan.
The latest e-Book series is named as "Sri Varadan" series and is expected to house the next set of 108 e-Books.
Books under all the individual series mentioned above have now been consolidated under the single umbrella of the presently revamped Sadagopan.org.
More often than not Sri V Sadagopan Swami’s articles have been the primary source of many fund raising efforts that fructified into fulfilled kaimkaryams at many Divya Desams as follows
a) Thiruvendipuram Ratnangi kaimkaryam for Lord Devanathan, Mandapa kaimkaryam, Swarna Simhasana kaimkaryam for Swami Desikan as well as Navamani Malai thiruvabharanam for Lord Devanathan, Three strand pearl necklace (mummani kovai) thiruvabharanam for Sri Hemabjavalli Thayar. More recently Garuda Pathakkam for Swamy Desikan, a Sesha Pitam and Ratnangi for Sri Yoga Hayagrivan, Muthtangi for the Oushada Giri Sri LakshmiHayagrivan. The last three samarpanangal mentioned above have been blessed by HH Prakrutam SrImad Azhagiyasingar.
b) Thuppul: Veda Patasala kaimkaryam, Swami Desikan thirumaligai kaimkaryam, Makara Kandi, Prabandhasara haram, Dasavatara haram, Kati Sutra thiruvabharanangal samarpana kaimkaryam for Swami Desikan
c) Srirangam:The repair and renovation of Silver Clad Sri Kulasekhara padi and Vasantha Mandapa kaimkaryams at Srirangam Sri Ranganatha Swami temple
d) Thiruvinnagaram:Shenpaka Malai kaimkaryam, the Ruby Crown for Sri Bhumi Devi Thayar, Mutthangi for Moolavar Sri Oppiliappan and Ratnangi for utsavar Sri Ponnappan.
e) SrI Villiputtur: Mutthangi for Sri Andal and Sri Andal kondai kaimkaryam
f) Sri Sannidhi Kaimkaryangal: the yearly Chathurmasya kaimkaryam for Sri Ahobila Matam Acharyas thru coverage of 60 plus days of Aradhanam at Sri Sannidhi for the past ten+ years, the yearly Swathi thirumanjanams for Sri Malolan, the Saffron flower samarpana kaimkaryam for preparing the fragrance for Tirtha Prasadam, the Achidram, Aswameda, Kataka parayana kaimkaryam at Sri Sannidhi on Ekadasi/Dwadasi days, Sri Ashtalakshmi Swarna Haram kaimkaryam for Sri Malolan, Sri Ashtalakshmi Silver Kudam Samarpanam for Sri Malolan and Swarna Simhasana Samarpanam for HH Srimad Azhagiyasingar (HH the 45th Pattam), The Swarna Sri Lakshmi coin Haram with Mango Design for Sri Malolan, the Swarna Karnapatram for Sri Prahlada Varadar at Sri Ahobilam, Silver Kavacham for Sri Bhargava Narasimha and Sri Yogananda Narasimhar at Sri Ahobilam, the Silver Cladding of the Divine Sandals (Divya Padukais) of all Srimad Azhagiyasingars from Sri Adhi VanSatakopa Jiyar to HH the 45th Pattam Sri Narayana Yatindra Maha Desikan. The Thirumanjanam for these Padukais occur every Dwadasi day. The digitalization of the entire issues of Sri Nrusimha Priya magazine from 1945-2005 was completed and the content is used by scholars. Presenting the prasadams and tagadis from 106 Divya Desams to HH Srimad 46th Pattam Azhagiyasingar on sixtieth tirunakshatra mahotsavam (Sashtiabdha purthi). DVDs on Pancha Suktams- with meanings, Chathurveda Sandhyavandhanams with meanings for the Mantrams, Translations of Ahnika Grantham etc.,
g) New York: Samprokshana kaimkaryam at SrI Ranganatha Temple at Pomona, Newyork, USA.
1) Award - birudhu - of "Sri Nrsimha Seva Rasikar" conferred on Swami by HH Srimad Azhagiyasingar (45th pattam) at Srirangam during His Satabhishekam. (View Link)
2) Award - birudhu of "Sri Vedanta Desika Padambuja Seva Rasikar" conferred on Swami by Sri Vilakkoli Perumal Thooppul Vedanta Desikan charitable trust, Kanchipuram. (View Link)
3) Award of Kaimkarya Ratnam was conferred on Sri V Sadagopan Swami by Ramanuja Mission, USA). (View Link)
Uniqueness of this revamped site: The focus is to serve as a queryable database and a single point reference for the diverse aspects of the doctrines and practice of Vishistadvaitham, Acharyas, and Divya Desams. 450+ Free e-Books on every aspect of sampradayam have been assembled so far. Free audios and many rare granthams (philosophical texts) that cannot be found anywhere else have also been assembled here. Colorful presentation featuring high resolution pictures of various Divya Desa Divya Dampatis, Utsavams, Sri Matam and Ashramams are housed here.
Future Directions: Swamy Desikan alone has blessed us with 130 Sri Suktis as our Kula Dhanam. They break down into following six categories.
A. Sanskrit Texts dealing with Philosophy and Religion (25)
B. Literary Works in Sanskrit (15)
C. Stotrams or Devotional Lyrics (30)
D. Rahasya Grantams in Manipravalam (34)
E. Tamil Sri Suktis (24)
F. The Miscellaneous works (20)
Among these 130 works of Swamy Desikan, atleast 15 are no longer available to us (e.g) Adhikarana Darpana, Nigama Parimalam, Ammanaippa, Usarpa, Yesarpaa, Kalarppa, Pantuppa, Thirumudiyadaivu, Silpa Sastra, Vedartha Sangraha Vyakhyana, Madhurakavi Hrudayam, Steya Virodha, Samasya Sahasra, Cakara Samarthana , Rasabhaumamruta and Vrukshabhaumamruta are no longer available to us. We have covered so far the 28 stotrams, 21 Tamil Prabandhams, 5 Kavyams and 28 Rahasya grantams in Manipravalam.
33 Sri Suktis need to be covered yet as eBooks in the now revamped website. Similar effort will be extended to cover the uncovered Sri Suktis of other Sri Vaishnava Acharyas like Kuresar, Parasara Bhattar and others. We seek your continued patronage and blessings to further these kaimkaryams.
Sincere Thanks To: The recently concluded special celebratory events relating to Acharya Ramanuja's Millennium birth anniversary (May 2017) and that of Swami Vedanta Desikan's 750th birth anniversary (Sep 2018) have generated huge data bases on their sacred texts that are of particular interest to the followers of Sri Vaishnavite sampradhayam. It is in this context, Sri Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Philanthropic Foundation (SBRMF) was created by a few of us, to advance the goals of like-minded groups partnering in this growing area of knowledge-sharing opportunities linked to our ancient and sacred texts bequeathed to us by our most merciful Acharyas.
To that end, we would like to acknowledge that Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF), a prominent private foundation that supports a rich set of Social, Educational and Religious/Cultural programs, has extended its welcome financial support to protect, preserve and nourish the traditional sampradaya knowledge roots through SBRMF. GKF provides financial support for ashrams/patashalas, temples and religious/cultural programs and encourages partnerships that preserve the heritage and j~nanam for the global beneficiaries. More information about Guru Krupa Foundation can be found at: https://guru-krupa.org/.
The Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Foundation is grateful to Guru Krupa Foundation for its encouragement and support of the many efforts towards advancement of learning and education pertaining to SrI Vaishnava sampradayam, creation of specific digital and print publications of religious and philosophical manuscripts as well as activities to facilitate and fund scholarly debates and discourses on sampradaya matters. With continued patronage of Guru Krupa Foundation, the Bhagavad Ramanuja Millennium Foundation looks forward to growing its current outreach efforts and create more opportunities for promotion and support of activities aimed at dissemination of the ancient Sri Vaishnava philosophical system of knowledge.
May Lord Sri Hayagrivan bless us with Divine Knowledge and Strength!
May Lord Sri Hayagrivan bless all the volunteers and the users of this site with all auspiciousness!
Namo Sri Hayagrivaya!